Germany has quite strict data protection laws which include blocking periods for documents with personal data. I'm no lawyer so bear with me while I try to sum up the sometimes complicated German ... read more
German Genealogy
German names in old German script: Katharina
This article is part of the series "Get Familiar With German Given Names In Old German Script" where you will find similar articles about other German names, including name variations and examples out ... read more
Look for your ancestors’ names in a different language
This article is part of the series "Are your German ancestors playing hide-and-seek?" about various reasons why you might not have found your ancestors yet. One of the possible reasons could be that ... read more
German names in old German script: Johann
This article is part of the series "Get Familiar With German Given Names In Old German Script" where you will find similar articles about other German names, including name variations and examples out ... read more
Do your ancestors have unusual name variations?
This article is part of the series "Are your German ancestors playing hide-and-seek?" about various reasons why you might not have found your ancestors yet. One of the possible reasons could be ... read more
How and where to locate German church registers
The oldest instructions to keep written records about sacraments stem from the midth of the 14th century. However there was no set form about details yet. The oldest known church registers in German ... read more