Hey there, my friends! I’m Ingrid and I’m thrilled that you’ve come over to my blog!
I’m a mom of five and a family history hunter, lover of cats and old objects, proud owner of an elderly car and do-it-yourselfer in various things. And last but not least I’m living in a small cozy village in Germany.
History has been interesting for me since I was about eleven or twelve which even resulted in my one and only letter of reprimand from school (ahem). I dared to disagree with my old-fogyish history teacher about the significance or insignificance of little people vs. emperors, kings and all that other nobility folk… No need to go into detail here but my mom wasn’t angry at all, she just gave an amused grin.
I took interest in genealogy when I was about fifteen and had a better history teacher at that time. He asked us to fill in an ancestry chart focussing on our ancestors’ professions. This chart got me hooked. My mom still had my grandfather’s Ahnenpass (officially documented ancestry book during the Nazi-time) which gave me a headstart. No internet at that time though, we didn’t even have an own phone yet. I did all my research by good ole snail mail and noted down the results on index cards. Uphill both ways…
In 2016 I realized that most foreign people who were searching for their German roots had a hard time struggling through the jungle of German history and geography. To be honest, most German people struggle with that as well. At least they usually don’t have to fight with a foreign language at the same time! That’s when I decided to start this blog.
I’ve been engaged in genealogy for the past 40 years now, at times pausing because of work, kids, building our house or taking care of my elderly father-in-law. But history and genealogy have been my passion for a few decades already. And I’d like to share this passion and my knowledge with you to help you with your research.
If one of my postings can make you smile or inspire you, it was well worth my time. Grab a chair and a chai and enjoy your time. And I wouldn’t mind a comment or two from you.